Red Fronted Macaw eating Haith’s PRO’s Parrot Nature Diet (seed mix for sprouting).
“The birds at EZ have taken to this new dietary inclusion without any hesitation.” Andy Beer, RZSS Nutritionist
“I’m very pleased with the way things are going and feel that the inclusion of the quality seed is improving the female macaw’s condition coming into the breeding season.” Sean Meechan Senior Animal Keeper, RZSS
- Moving away from heavily sunflower based diet
- Introduced variation into the diet
- Increased palatability
- Readily digested by birds after ingestion
- Birds taken to new diet without hesitation
- Extended the behavioural repertoire of the macaws
Problem summary:
The dietary change in this species arose from a desire within the EZ Bird team (Sean Meechan senior keeper, RZSS), to introduce some variation into the diet of the pair of birds held at Edinburgh Zoo. The diet was based heavily on sunflower seed and nuts and macaws are notoriously difficult to transition from habituated diets (normally sunflower seed) to a more balanced diet. Sean approached Simon King at Haith’s to discuss options and a seed mix for sprouting was suggested and supplied (Parrot Nature Diet).

Benefits to the Macaws:
The advantage of sprouted seed - apart from palatability, is that starch is converted to sugars for germination and the carbohydrate remaining is thus readily digested by the bird after ingestion. The birds at EZ have taken to this new dietary inclusion without any hesitation. It has been regarded as a successful transition to a more balanced diet which has also extended the behavioural repertoire of the macaws - in that they have to deal with different textured feeds, which need more care when being manipulated than was the case with the sunflower seed based diet.
Haith’s PRO would like to thank the RZSS team including Sean Meechan and Andy Beer whose work will hopefully go on to benefit collections throughout the UK.
About Haith’s PRO - Professional Avian Diets for Zoos & Wildlife Parks
Haith’s PRO is the BIAZA Award Winning bird food service targeted at bird-keeping professionals. We provide super-clean seed to promote better bird health as dust, waste husk and extraneous materials can - if left in bird food mixes - damage delicate tissues and allow entry of pathogens. We’re confident that our diets can help reduce vet costs; reduce the chances of disease and promote sound health and nutrition, all delivered on the backbone of a robust quality control processes.

Soaking regime:
Add water on day 1, to drain on day 2, leave for day 3 and feed on day 4 (when the sprouts are well developed). This is all currently done at room temperature but may speed up in the summer.